Tuesday, March 5, 2013

ABC News March 17, 2008


Anonymous said...

Any doubt that Kilpatrick wouldn't lie about his current legal issues, need only need to review this clip to see how easily he lied not only under oath, but in his "State of the City" address, to his wife & family within a house of worship - televised at his request, in court and basically any time he opens his mouth. Any sympathy garnered for Ms. Beatty, one need only to look at her arrogant replies in court, lies of course, littered with irritation at having to be there and testify under oath in the first place. They've all become such great liars that they now believe what they are saying to be true. What a tangled web of deceit. No one should trust anything any of these people have to say.

Anonymous said...

I see old police chief 'ella-bully-cummings' in the background of the video post (before it starts) really wondering how she's managed to keep herself out of the mix? like so many others we know have done wrong and avoided charges, one wonders how that part of the system works. don't find her very credible and interesting that she's dropped off the face of the earth, quietly. heard she was an attorney somewhere. makes me angry that those, like kwame with a law background shirk their responsibilites and dance around the laws written for everyone. amazing.

Anonymous said...

someone or a few others have stated drugs & to follow it. can anyone give links or anything to rove this? you can post it here because it is anonymous so inlighten us please as inquiring minds want to know.