Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Been a busy week! BF wife files for divorce, KK wants 15 yrs, Bobby 10 yrs, $9.6 Million in restitution, Bloggers mentioned, Feds want up to 28 yrs for BF and 28+ for KK...CB comes out of hiding, Oct. 10th release of Essence Magazine, perfect timing??? Happy reading!







Oh yeah and this little gem: http://www.freep.com/article/20131003/NEWS01/310030090/


BlueJean said...

Which article mentions the Blogger(s)? I thought I kept up on my reading, but don't remember a blogger mentioned.

Anonymous said...

it is in 1 of the posts, just read them as i cant remember which 1

Anonymous said...

i think & feel the filing for divorce by bobby ferguson's wife marilyn, isn't on the up and up. for God sakes, the man has multiple girlfriends, and to this day they are running around the country doing his dirty work for him, then the wife shows up in court for bobby's sentencing, ON HER BIRTHDAY? what's wrong with this picture, besides everything? no, i don't believe it's above the table at all.