Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Letters from BF's 3 of 5 children & BF's sentencing memorandum



Will pulling at the heartstrings with the children's letters work    ...were any of them there during the trail on ANY single day or to even testify on his behalf at the end of the trial?


Anonymous said...

the letters from bobby f's children are hard to read. sad even. while everyone can understand a child's perspective and not wanting to lose a parent to the prison system regardless of how that incarceration came about, it's difficult not to see the desperate lengths that bobby will go to, to keep himself out of prison. "strong, family values, our mentor, always there for us." would be interested in knowing what his wife, marilynn truly feels about a husband who cheated on her and the children, repeatedly, (still is), lead a life style less than above the table, associated with undesirables, his many, many ill-gotten gains and illegal activities? aren't these (and more) the "values" we all seek in a mate? in our parents? to instill upon us? his children will bear the pain of an absent father, but not for any of the reasons they state. very sad.

Anonymous said...

hey bobby, how bout a letter of support from the fellow you pistol whipped and awarded brain damage as result of that pistol whipping? i'm sure he has a ton of supportive things to say about what a great fellow you are.