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Comment on the link for this story in the 'comments section' by none other than a Kilpatrick family member regarding CCK's interview with Frankie Darcel:
'Clifford Cheeks · Wayne State University Law School'
"Superb analysis, dignified and powerful, honest and inspirational, with historical presence and significance!"
As per usual, whole family is in denial. HUGE denial. Unreal!
Really 'Mom?' What parallel universe are YOU living in? My God... 'this' isn't about his affairs... no one cares about his immoral behavior.. its his multiple illegal actions while in office... Get that kid of yours off your pedestal. Its about time YOU (Mom) realize when you break the law, there are actions in place for those consequences. Get over yourselves... All those things your listing now as 'wrong' with the city? ALL are a direct result of the inadequate, illegal way YOUR son ran the city into the ground. Absconding with funds, illegal deals, the city has NO money! Money it should have had, but doesn't because your son mishandled everything. Talked a blue streak, charmed his way into the limelight at every turn... now you want to chastise the very media that you sought out at every step of the way. Speak to your God you so frequently quote. "He" is so ashamed of your actions.
Comment on the link for this story in the 'comments section' by none other than a Kilpatrick family member regarding CCK's interview with Frankie Darcel:
'Clifford Cheeks · Wayne State University Law School'
"Superb analysis, dignified and powerful, honest and inspirational, with historical presence and significance!"
As per usual, whole family is in denial. HUGE denial. Unreal!
"Rabid, merciless media...is behind Kwame's incarceration..."
Really 'Mom?' What parallel universe are YOU living in? My God... 'this' isn't about his affairs... no one cares about his immoral behavior.. its his multiple illegal actions while in office... Get that kid of yours off your pedestal. Its about time YOU (Mom) realize when you break the law, there are actions in place for those consequences. Get over yourselves... All those things your listing now as 'wrong' with the city? ALL are a direct result of the inadequate, illegal way YOUR son ran the city into the ground. Absconding with funds, illegal deals, the city has NO money! Money it should have had, but doesn't because your son mishandled everything. Talked a blue streak, charmed his way into the limelight at every turn... now you want to chastise the very media that you sought out at every step of the way. Speak to your God you so frequently quote. "He" is so ashamed of your actions.
Little Gem?! More like the black diamond as really she spewed this. desperate is what desperate says.
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