Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Keep it all in the family .......

Click here: http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/investigations/kwame-kilpatricks-brotherinlaw-allegedly-found-passed-out-behind-wheel/-/1719314/21237168/-/o4rv7k/-/index.html


Anonymous said...

its a family affair.. its a family affair... its a family aff_air... it's a family aff_air... screams of dysfunction, court injunctions, all around, up and down, family affair.... good one dana!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, Daniel Ferguson, blogger, commenter, criminal, druggie/dealer, and married to Mama's daughter (CCK's, Ayanna Kilpatrick)Isn't he someone everybody's mother hopes their daughter will bring home for dinner? "Mom... WE'RE HOME..." There must be something in their DNA that makes them 'this' outstanding!

Anonymous said...

And this would surprise anyone, how exactly?