Kilpatrick sent this email to his parole agent Thursday:
“I have not been home since January 2, 2013. As you know as we have discussed on numerous occasions, I have a family. I am married, and have been blessed with 3 wonderful sons. As you know, there are many pressures on families in our society today, i.e., Financial, Emotional, Environmental, etc. My family has not been immune from these normal pressures that must be endured for successful families to prosper. And now added to these well established challenges there are many more my family has to endure at this time, as you may well know. We have always been able to make it through these things together.I have been prevented from traveling home since January 9, 2013. It has been said that this sanction was given as to thoroughly investigate my finances and financial transactions. During this time of “investigation” I have been placed on house arrest, and my movement has been all but halted. Meanwhile, the “investigation” sprouts new tentacles that move in different directions, more divergent inquiries, and an increased scope of time for investigation subjects, which of course has caused the “investigation” to be extended on numerous occasions.
Kwame Kilpatrick, wife Carlita and their three sons.
C-Wright, you have a habit of saying that you are “dotting your i’s” and “crossing your t’s”. You have told me that you accept full responsibility for all of the decisions that are being made in this “investigation.” So I humbly ask, have your requests for exact dates of financial transactions, flight buddy passes, a stop at a restaurant on the way to home base, etc, outweighed your community supervision and parole agent mission of helping the parolee to reconnect to family and community? Has it outweighed your mission to support the parolee in making the successful adjustment to parole? Has your willingness to “dot and cross” blurred your focus on the fact that you are responsible for making decisions that substantially affect real human beings (wife, children, family, community), whom are not on parole? Has your fear of public and media scrutiny moved you to make decisions that are within a vacuum of self-preservation? I pray that without pretense, pride, ego and a strong sense of real honest thought, you answer these questions.
After speaking with you on yesterday, it seems that you have formed in your own mind, that much of this action is justified by the “Special Conditions” that I have of my parole. YOU and your colleagues at the MDOC are the totalitarians of my parole, and authors of my written instructions. If you want certain information from me, without any confusion, write those instructions into the special conditions. You have not done that! You have instead conformed and deformed words to mean what you want them to mean. That is not only inappropriate, its wrong. And yes, C-Wright, the continuation of an “investigation” with a blurred focus of what it is attempting to discover, no understanding of the timeliness of its conclusion, a clear understanding that it has no focus on a new crime, gun, assault or any other action that would give rise to incarceration, and a continuing strategy of keeping me on house arrest as well as preventing me from seeing my family, is WRONG.
Kilpatrick’s family is living in this 5,000-square-foot home in Grand Prairie, Texas.
Even after the media shared your emails, and stories ran last week on all three local TV news channels, several Michigan Newspapers, a plethora of radio stations and many blogs reported stories of “Kwame Kilpatrick begging to go home,” I am renewing my request to do so. As I have previously stated, I am a human being. I am spiritually, emotionally and have familial attachment to 4 people that love me very much. My home is in Texas. I am not requesting to travel anywhere else. I want to go home. Again, I am not a flight risk, I pose no threat to the public, and I must return for federal court jurisdiction by Monday morning. Your “investigation” will not be halted, or hindered by my going home. I humbly request that the larger issues of parole, i.e., safety of the public, rehabilitation, reconnection, successful adjustment, and yes, even understanding that parolees are human beings, outweigh any notion of personal scrutiny, fear, and self-preservation.”
Kilpatrick’s parole agent refused to lift the travel ban. Kilpatrick stays in Detroit this weekend — verdict or no verdict, according to the emails.
Source: The Detroit News
Wah! Wah! Wah! Call the Wahmbulance! Quit you're whining and man up you big baby!
Oh Kwame a river... then build a bridge and get over it!
how can he get over it? he did NOTHING... wrong after all.
All I read is, I,I,I. No remorse at all.
go after the drugs. look up the drug dealer in GA & you can find the links to KMK & everything that they touched & is dirty. dig to find. cannot help more
Please, to the anonymous poster above (March 9, 2013 at 3:40AM), can you provide a smidgen more information? Drugs and drug dealers in GA? That's a whole state, there must be many (dealers) A clue or hint of some sort would be helpful. thanks, any help is appreciated.
above comment. look in the past live postings and go back. someone posted it.
Big baby, indeed!
And now, after yesterday, Kwame, you're not going to see them for a REALLY long time.
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