Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kwames Emails to Charles Wright, his proale agent

Source: The Detroit News 


Anonymous said...

He's the most narcissitic sociopath ever to have appeared in Detroit.

Anonymous said...

"Unchain me?" He'd better get used to being confined. If he thinks that tether is cumbersome, wait until they slam those barred doors behind him! Unchain me... what a joke!

Anonymous said...

I can not add much but wow. Just wow!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kwame,

"C" Wright here. I love how you disprespect me and my position by referring to me as "C" Wright. How bout I start to refer to you as you are, a "Felon?" You are of course, one; a felon that is. Now be a good boy and go get your french cuffs embroidered with that title, "FELON" on them. Make sure to flash that look all around town as you make your way to your new address.

"C" Wright, that's Mr. Charles Wright to you bub!