Thursday, February 7, 2013


I am glad people can change! 

This was sent Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:20AM to MDOC Agent Charles Wright, Gang Unit, 
Metro Patrol, Lawton Metro Parol. 
Source is:
Page 24/25

Thank you Anon. for sending me the information. 


Anonymous said...

Oh Dana... so many Classic Quotes from Kwame.. Jim (KwameSutra Jim) really ought to rethink that second book... Excellent material!

WingsGrrlYuma said...

INCREDIBLE! There is something seriously wrong with the Kwamster. Whoever was giving KK all those "buddy passes" could just give them to Carlita and kids to go visit Daddy and Grandma in Detroit. There, problem solved. That whole family is seriously delusional. Every last one of them. The gall to write that letter is off the charts!

SalannB said...

Sadly, this does not surprise me. KK, CK and KK's family live in fantasyland. There's no sense of personal drives me crazy.

Billh said...

That's right, WingsGrrl. They could visit here. Maybe they don't want to. He just wants to visit them and get away from Michigan for the weekend.

To do a Kwame: to screw up the works and say it's not your fault.

Mike L said...

What an ass! Then to end the letter with "have a great day C-Wright" trying to kiss ass some more acting like his buddy

Anonymous said...

Yuma here, yep he is an ass. I find the C-Wright thing to be disrespectful. It is his parole agent, not his friend.