Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This is a very good interview ...worth the watch! Posted on March 25, 2013.

M.L. Elrick's report when he was at channel 4 (WDIV) Lot's of LIES he uncovered.....May 13, 2010

Good to know his "momma" was there to support him. Uploaded Oct. 25, 2011. Was he paid for this too? Hmmmmm...

Oh Mike Martin (former EPU for KK)...you are caught in a lie @ the 4:35 mark. KK LOVED CIGARS! He posted MANY times on his facebook (now gone) about having a cigar & a drink, and how fine his life was! Lair, lair! Posted on Jan. 30, 2012

From channel 4 ~WDIV~

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Jobless & "asked to leave" the 5000 sq. foot mansion, not evicted? Yeah, and that is normally exactly what happens when your household items & furniture are at the curb ...not being evicted!

Click here: http://www.freep.com/article/20130723/NEWS0102/307230082/carlita-kilpatrick-home-job

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sentencing gathering.

When the Free Press held their first "gathering" at the Anchor Bar in Detroit, for all of the bloggers that were a major part Jim Schaefer's live daily blog following the KK, BK & BF Corruption trial in Federal Court last spring, which turned into the " Splash of Green" ..that was a HUGE success, much fun and turned a current event that was bleak into an amazing, productive and fun event from all the Blogerville residents...

The Freep ALSO stated that they were going to do a Sentencing Gathering as well......

What we do know is that the Freep is NOT going to sponsor a "Sentencing Gathering". (Unless this changes from now until the sentencing) This comes straight from Jim when he attended our gathering a few months ago, in April. He told those of us in attendance straight out, that we "were on on own". The FREEP is not going to be involved. Which is 10000000% fine ...even better actually!

This way "we" as in ALL OF US do not have to concern/wonder/worry about a 3rd party possibly going over their "lines" (What...a HUGE bra stuffed with money? Or vacuum bags stuffed with money? Never) which in turn could be well, not up to our "lines of standard" hehehe. Or basically funny shit that the Freep feels going too far! That is it, in a nut shell.

So, with that being said ..Yes, we are on our own and since this "gathering" could only be a few months out now, I think it is time to put the motion in action and start the planning stages!

This way, we can have more activity and TOP what we all threw together in 2 1/2 days! ~hehe~

So...thoughts & comments???

At the last gathering, a theme of "SPLASH OF ORANGE" was mentioned...thoughts, likes, dislikes, ideas? As well as any idea for a CHARITY that you would like to have in consideration for this AMAZING event?? GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I wonder if....

He was home for the weekend on a "buddy pass" of course on November 17th, 2012 and was paid for this? Also to note, it was in Richmond, California. Not in Texas where he begged/s to go home to be with his family. Part 1: Part 2:


Posted on March 10, 2008 ...still FUNNY! Getting ready for the "Splash of ORANGE" sentencing party!

Oh my.....too FUNNY! Comment...go!

From Aug. 18, 2008

Thanks Anon!


Click here for today's funny! http://www.freep.com/article/20130710/NEWS01/307100103/Kwame-Kilpatrick-wants-new-lawyer