Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Groner Days...

Submitted by Anon as well as Little Ricki & Easton from Jim's Freep Blog, that they had posted. Thanks for letting me know!

This is very....

interesting to say the least. It is a bit long, but well worth it. Someone had posted this, cannot remember whom, sorry about that.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Add your date....

For when you think the jury will be done deliberating. (and NO, this is NOT B.P.'s pool) Winner(s) will get a little prize from me @ the gathering. :-)

Today's closing

arguments, how do you feel that they went?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Freep Followers....

In case anyone missed the link that the Freep listed today on Jim's Blog, here it is:



How do...

you think that Jim Thomas did in his closing arguments?

Monday, February 11, 2013

In case you missed...

the jury instructions, here is a link to it.


Are you....

Having troubles signing with your name in the live chat box? Some people have emailed me, saying that they have...might have to find another live chat box, if that is the case.

Please let me know.



How do you...

feel that closing arguments are going thus far?

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I am glad people can change! 

This was sent Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:20AM to MDOC Agent Charles Wright, Gang Unit, 
Metro Patrol, Lawton Metro Parol. 
Source is: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/566535-kwame-financial-emails.html
Page 24/25

Thank you Anon. for sending me the information. 

Thought this was fitting......

Your thoughts? 
BTW...this has nothing to do with guilt or innocence, but rather the attitude of some people. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Getting there!

Alright, I now have it so that YOU DO NOT need to have a google account to make comments. Yay!

You can post under threads as anonymous or a log in name. Also, the comments will have a pop out window, so that you do not have to go back to the original page!

After you make your comment to a thread, at the bottom it will give you options as how you want your post to appear. You have several options...use the one you want too. 

It is getting there folks! 

Slowly but surely! :-)


Team Blog

I do believe I have found what I was looking for in order to have other people be able post a thread they would like to start.

If I am reading the instructions correctly, I would need to have your email address to add you to the "team" in order for you to be able to post a thread. You will have to have a Google account, to post your thread.

If you would rather not have a Google account, you can simply email me at: shefrog@comcast.net and I will C&P your thread and add it to the Blog.

You can be anonymous if you wish or use your screen name. Matters not to me.

I will post any and all threads that are emailed to me (within reason of course).

Please have a little patience with me...I am new to this! :-P


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Do you feel....

That the prosecutors presented a good case, against KK, BK & BF?

While there may not have been the so called "Smoking Gun" what about all the text messages, phone & wire taps? What about the witness' that testified?

Sure, some may argue that most of the witnesses are lairs & thieves, which is very true. Just like the people on trial, no?

At the same time, 70+ witnesses and an approximation of 18(+)  people thus far have plead guilty/taken a plea, in one fashion or another. They have either served their time, paid fees, were/on probation or are awaiting sentencing.

So I ask you....could this trial be "guilty by association" as the defense would suggest?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Working on a few things

Hello & Welcome!

I have been working on getting a Facebook & Twitter page together, should have it up by the end of the week along with a link. (Sorry, work has been getting in my way!) Haha

Also, please give us your input as what you would like to see here. I am open to all ideas!

After tomorrow, my schedule will lighten up a little, (for now) so I am hoping to have this Blog ROCKIN!

So share, share, share, as what you would like to see here.



Saturday, February 2, 2013


My intent in creating this blog, would be so that the many, many people that are/were following Jim Schaefer's Blog from the Detroit Free Press will have a place to meet, post, share and make friendships!

Since the start of the Kwame & Bernard Kilpatrick & Ferguson Trial, many of us have been "addicted" so to speak to following the trial, either from day 1 of Jim's Blog, came in the middle or possibly even near the end of this trial.

My thinking is that we, as "Bloggerville Sleuths" will have some excellent postings, banter, comedy relief, friendly debates, discovery, chatter and meet ups.

I know once this trial is over, I certainly will miss the 6 months of trial that I, as many of you have been following, and truly will miss Jim and so many of you! He is a amazing person and I for one am thankful for him being an outstanding investigative reporter, putting up with us, staying impartial, as well as keeping us in the "loop" with the trial on a day to day basis.

This blog is open to anyone wanting to share ... anything that you feel would be of interest. Only two rules, DO NOT POST NSFW/PORN PHOTOS OR THE LIKE and NO RACISM! PERIOD. (it's NOT that kind of blog) haha!

With that being said my friends.......let the postings begin and welcome again!
